Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SSM by the Letter, Barack

Freedom to Marry beseeched President Barack Obama to get with the civil-rights program of marriage equality. In an open letter, numerous celebrities and a handful of UUs (disclaimer: I'm a UU) signed the call.

It cites his order for Justice to stop defending the Defense of Marriage act, as well as his often stated personal journey he supposedly is taking toward marriage equality. It reads in part:

We ask you now for your leadership on ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage, an exclusion that harms millions of Americans each day. Whether to end discrimination in marriage is a question America has faced before, and faces again today. With so many Americans talking it through in heartfelt conversations, it is a question that calls for clarity from the President...Mr. President, the time to end exclusion from marriage is now. We ask you to complete your journey and join us and the majority of Americans who support the freedom to marry.

It remains to be seen how influential his strong political and financial supporters from movies and music will be. Their aim is certainly plain, logical and simple enough.

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