Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hush My Mouth in Hartford

Well, I was wrong when I implied that the Family institute of Connecticut wouldn't be able to rally the troops today in Hartford to protest civil unions. They did manage to get about 3,000 unhappy folk, many spouting hateful slogans and election threats against legislators.

The full report is online at the Courant Website.

It should not be amusing but it is to wonder how the nervous legislators who amended the law to put in DoMA wording – marriage = one man + one woman – will take this. They thought they had covered their back pockets. Most voters approved of civil unions and the House members who put in the restriction likely figured they'd placate the disgruntled minority. Well, they did not gruntle them.

The Institute's executive director, Brian Brown, urged voting out the legislators who approved the law. That would be the large majority of the legislature, senators and representatives who tend to a lot more constituent services and bills than this one. Of course that's not going to happen and a few thousand unhappy voters out of millions won't do it.

Yet, it is fascinating to see how hostile and angry the demonstrators are. What is sure is that many senators and representatives in Connecticut will be spending the off-session making nice to small pockets of sore losers.

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